St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution
Cultural and Leisure Center of the Kalininsky District
195009, St. Petersburg,
Arsenalnaya emb. 13/1, letter A
Manager's phone numbers:+7(952) 356-56-37, +7(812) 542-37-32

The Whole Family Project

08 February 2024
The Whole Family Project
The Whole Family project makes families stronger!

Let's prove that the most friendly families live in Russia! There are many gifts for all participating families, including 100 family tours in Russia!

The essence of the project is simple. Once a week, you get simple tasks that need to be completed by the WHOLE FAMILY. For example, go to a museum, play sports or cook dinner. The main thing is together.

When completing a task, it is necessary to take a picture. Then post the photo on your Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki page. A prerequisite is to put hashtags of the #all family project
See all the details on the website of the all-family project.rf

The prize draw will be held once a month. And at the end of March, the final and the awarding of the most active and friendly families will take place. 100 family tours in Russia will be raffled off. In addition, those who complete ALL the tasks will be able to collect an exclusive collection of electronic inserts "Family is", which was painted specifically for the project by Russian illustrators.

The project is timed to coincide with the Year of the Family announced by President Vladimir Putin.

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